Peerbits welcomed the New Year with a grand style. On 10th January 2020, Peerbits organized an event which included a number of fun and team-building activities. All the employees of the company participated in this event with full excitement.

The eve started when all the team members gathered on the floor. The HR team then announced the agenda for the event. It started off with few senior employees sharing their experience of being a part of the Peerbits family. Their motivational words filled the floor with a tremendous energy.


After that the HR team called upon all the new members one by one. They introduced themselves and expressed their delight of joining the Peerbits family.


After that there was a small cake cutting activity. The cake had inscriptions which said “Cheers to Peers”. All the females of the company came together to cut the cake.


The cake cutting was a token of gratitude for the endless cooperation of all the employees. Moreover, it also marked the start of the event in which many games were lined up.

For the competition, the whole staff was divided into three teams named Team A, B, C. The captains were also announced soon. Mohsin Shahjada led the team A. Team B was led by Aaquil Khan. And Srishti Dey was chosen to lead Team C.

Communication gap

The first game was a warm up game. 5 members from each team participated in it. The name of the game was communication gap. It was an alternate version of Chinese whispers in which the aim was to effectively communicate a series of actions rather than a sentence.


The game was real fun as everyone broke into laughter seeing the participants failing hilariously to communicate the given action. This warm up game had set the mood for all the upcoming games.

Blind fold

The name of the next game was blind fold. In this game two participants were required, one of which would be blind folded. The role of the other participant was to guide their blindfolded partner with the help of oral instructions to reach the finish line.


There were many obstacles placed in the form of paper glasses to make the path difficult. The team had to ensure that they reached the finish line without touching any of the paper glass.

All three teams played well, but Team C emerged as the winner and registered the first win of the evening.

Office tennis

The next game was office tennis. In this game, two participants were required. Both the players were provided with writing pads and their main objective was to play a continuous tennis rally with a paper ball.

Moreover, both the players had to walk towards the basket simultaneously while playing the rally. They had to walk until they reached the basket and put the paper ball in it.


All the three teams tried their best; few players exhibited their exemplary tennis skills while the other struggled. At the end, Team B won.

Straws in hair

At this moment Team B and Team C each had 1 point while Team A was yet to register their first win. The next game was ‘straws in the hair’. In this game, the participants from each team were given 60 seconds to put as many straws as they could in their hair.

All the three participants gave a tough competition to each other as they all were going neck to neck. But at last, Team B again became victorious thus extending their lead to 2 to 1.

Face the cookie

Next game was named face the cookie. In this game, a cookie was placed at the forehead of all the participants. To win this game they had to eat the cookie, sounds easy isn’t it? But there was a catch to this. They had to eat the cookie without using their hands. They can only move their head and all their facial muscles to move the cookie from their forehead to their mouth.

Many participants tried their best and yet failed. At the end Team B clinched another victory and took their lead to 3 to 1.

Arm wrestling

The next game was arm wrestling. Each team sent a participant who was ready to prove their muscle power in this exciting contest. There were no one-sided victories in any of the matchups, all the match went to the wire.


The rest of the team members kept supporting and boosting the morale of their players. In the end Team B won again and took their lead even further from anyone’s reach.

Balloon games

Up next were the two balloon games. In the first game, four people had to carry a balloon without using their hands. They had to only use their chests to support and carry the balloon to the finish line. The team who completed this task in minimum time would have been declared the winner.

All the teams gave their best to and displayed exceptional teamwork. However, Team A dominated this round and registered their first win of the evening.

For the second balloon game, five participants were required from each team. In this game each team member had to burst a balloon by sitting on it. It was like a relay race, where one member of the team had to run and burst the balloon by sitting on it.

As soon as the balloon bursts, the second member runs and does the same. The team which completed this task in the quickest time would be the winner.

In this round, the people continuously cheered for their team, they also burst into laughter whenever any team member failed to burst the balloon. At the end, Team C won their second game of the evening.


Now it was time for the last game which was of plank. As the name suggests, one player from each team had to do plank, that is, they had to stay in the plank position for as long as they can. This game was about perseverance and endurance.

All the participants showed exemplary stamina and gave every ounce of their energy to win the contest. At the end, Team C won this contest and registered their third win.


And the winner is…

Once all the games were concluded, everyone was eager to see which team won. The judges had finally completed the counting the points scored by each team. The scorecard was out, Team A was the second runners up who won one game.


Now the excitement had reached to zenith, who would it be? Team B or Team C? Finally the winner was announced, it was Team B who had emerged as the winner. All the members of Team B were delighted by the result. Now it was the time for the prize distribution, Aaquil Khan was called to receive the prize on the behalf of their team.



There couldn’t have been a better time for refreshments when everyone was a bit tired after competing and cheering in so many games. So, everyone quickly grabbed the refreshments and enjoyed eating tasty snacks.

Gift distribution

The evening was filled with many happy emotions and we wanted to end it on a really good note. That’s why we decided to give away gifts to all the employees as to express our gratitude for their continuous dedication and hard work for the company.


The gift distribution ended the evening as everyone left the office with memories that will be cherished for the lifetime.


Srishti Dey

Srishti Dey is a dynamic Product Manager at a leading FinTech solutions provider. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for innovation, she expertly guides her products from concept to launch, ensuring they meet the ever-evolving needs of the latest market trends. A highly motivated and visionary member of the team, Srishti is dedicated to driving excellence and pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

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