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Essential Factors to Consider Before You Decide to Outsource Mobile App Development

Essential Factors to Consider Before You Decide to Outsource Mobile App Development

  • Last Updated on February 24, 2022
  • 6 min read

The mobile app industry has been growing tremendously over the years. Statistics state that there will be over 6 billion smartphone users globally by 2020. Statista records that there may be about 352.9 billion apps downloads by 2021. This goes to show that the significance of the mobile app market will only continue to be stronger.


Over the years, businesses have been considering mobile apps as a key success factor. Various entities use this to enhance sales and services, increase visibility, build relationships with clients, and increase accessibility among many other beneficial reasons.

If you are interested in developing an app, you may want to outsource mobile app development services to the gurus in the industry. There are numerous benefits you stand to gain from this like saving money and other resources, as well as dedicating more of your time to marketing efforts and the pre-launch event.

Outsourcing app development will also put you on the frontline where you can act as the project manager with the power to oversee all aspects of the process from a distance. The developers will do everything under your guidance.

Outsourcing is not something to take lightly, if you want perfect results at the end of the day. As much as it comes with numerous perks, note that you will also be taking a huge risk. For this reason, you want to make sure that the entire process is done right.

To enjoy a great outsourcing experience and keep the horror stories at bay, here is some essential information you need to know before outsourcing startup development.

The cost of outsourcing app development

The mobile app development cost parameters vary depending on different situations. Expect to spend anything from $25.00 to $100.00, when you outsource app development depending on your location. You may spend less than $50.00 for a simple app and up to $200.00 for a complex application that comes with numerous features.

Have a clear understanding of the app you want

Before you start looking for experts to handle the application development project, you must have a description of the end-product you want. Be upfront about the task at hand and avoid vague language. Some of the things to set straight include:

  • A detailed outline of the service or product idea – This should include the objective of the app as well as target audience.
  • List of features and functions that developer must include.
  • Whether you want a full-feature or an MVP app.
  • Type of service you want, for example, app monetization, UX/UI design, or something totally different.
  • The preferred platform.
  • Whether there is the need for additional custom products like promo website, and web admin panel.
  • Timeframes and exact budget.

The developer will be in a better position to decide if they can handle the task if you give all your essential details. This will also allow the professionals to give you an accurate quotation.


Find a compatible developer

After getting the details of the app right, the next logical step is to look for a reliable developer. Do not feel pressured to make a decision right away, but it is important because you will get to eliminate the companies that you feel do not suit your needs.


You want to outsource mobile app Development Company or expert who meets your business requirements, is comfortable working with your business culture, and matches your working style. Make sure that the developer you choose is the one who is going to be working on the project and will not be involved in outsourcing as well.

Do not be scared of going global when searching for the ideal partner. Be careful, however, and do proper research, checking portfolios and reading reviews to make sure you end up with reliable and trustworthy professionals.

Check out for signs of a great developer

Before making the final decision on the developer to hire, there are a few signs to look out for so as to be confident that you are working with an excellent service provider.


To begin with, the developer has to show interest in the project. The expert will proactively ask questions about the project and may also give out suggestions on how to make the app better.

A great company is also responsive and replies to any queries you have in a timely manner. The professionals should also be willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement to show that they are serious about the project ahead.

The project manager should have exceptional communication skills and treat you in a friendly yet professional manner.

Additionally, the experts that you outsource the project to should not be out to exploit but charge fairly. They should also be willing to give you precise details on how they will execute your project.

To enjoy all the above and more, Peerbits is the go-to company when you think about outsourcing startup development and enjoy remarkable results.

Establish important milestones

When you and the developer are on the same page, it is important to talk about the milestones of the project. This will point out where specific tasks need to be completed. Here you can also discuss whether to use a pay as you go system or pay a deposit and finish off the balance once the project is done.

These are also essential on your part in that they will allow you to assess the development project over the course of time. This way, you can make any necessary changes as you test features, and modules to make sure you end up with the best version of the app.

Test several versions of the app

Before you register the application to an app store, remember that you must test several versions. Do not dismiss the app if there is something wrong with it as some problems will likely crop up. Just let the developer know so that they fix the issue right away. The professional should be willing to work on it until you have the perfect version that you can release to the market.

The decision to outsource mobile app development may not be an easy one. However, it is possible to find an admirable developer who will bring your dreams to life with minimal effort on your end. Just take your time and do due diligence to identify the ideal candidate for the job to make sure that everything falls into place without too many complications.


Tej Chalishazar

Tej is an experienced project manager with huge experience in mobile app development. He has worked on a lot of projects for various companies, ranging from startups to large corporations, and has successfully managed multiple projects from inception to launch. With a strong background in software development and project management methodologies, he is able to effectively communicate with cross-functional teams and stakeholders to ensure that projects are delivered successfully.

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